True Or False? When Possible, You Should Try And Use Extensive Vocabulary In Your Writing.

True Or False? When Possible, You Should Try And Use Extensive Vocabulary In Your Writing.

Question:- True Or False? When Possible, You Should Try And Use Extensive Vocabulary In Your Writing.

Answer :- False, extensive vocabulary makes you appear less credible and confident.

true or false? when possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.
true or false? when possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.

Excessive and ostentatious language, while seemingly impressive, can actually diminish your credibility and confidence. Employing a surplus of complex vocabulary may create confusion rather than clarity, leaving your audience feeling alienated. True effectiveness lies in clear and concise communication, where ideas are conveyed with simplicity and precision.

Over-reliance on an extensive lexicon might suggest an attempt to mask insecurities or a lack of substance. Strive for authenticity and connection by expressing ideas in a straightforward manner. Remember, genuine confidence shines through simplicity, making your message more accessible and resonant with your audience.

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